In this last section we are going to recommend some places or paths to be able to level up with the knowledge you already have.
We are never going to get tire of recommending that you should play CTF every time you can and after the CTF is finished, go and study the write ups, this is a great source of learning.
Use CTFTime to check any upcoming CTF also feel free to register.
Link: upcoming
In TryHackMe you'll find lot's of rooms that will help you practice and learn new things. If you have the opportunity to pay the subscription do so, it's very worth it.
Also you should try the web fundamentals path to refresh your knowledge and acquire new knowledge in tools.
CTFChallenge is a site where you'll find webapps and your goal is to hack them.
You'll learn new things here and also new techniques to pentest a webapp.
Link: CTF Challenge
Also finishing all the challenges in root me will take you to the next level in web hacking.
Link: RootMe
Try the web challenges in HackTheBox they are kind of crazy but you'll learn new things.
Keep on going in Portswigger Academy if you want to learn new vulnerabilities.
Thank you for taking the time to go through my guide and if you think that something can be improved I would be very happy to receive your feedback. Finally, do not forget that you will never stop learning and that in this area you must always be updated. Thanks for everything and for your support.