Challenge section

Before you start!

In this section there will be few challenges, but they will require a lot of time and effort.

Google is your friend.

Challenge 1

Level: Easy-Medium

Vulnerability: Assert()

Hint: You can go back and see some examples.

Link: Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Level: Easy-Medium

Vulnerability: preg_replace()

Hint: You can go back and see some examples.

Link: Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Level: Easy-Medium

Vulnerability: PHP loose comparison

Hint: Remember what is wrong with strcmp().

Hint 2: Remember the cheat sheet when comparing booleans.

Link: Challenge 3

Challenge 4

Level: Easy-Medium

Vulnerability: PHP unserialize

Hint: Try to remember what does the magic function do.

Link: Challenge 4

Challenge 5

Level: Medium

Vulnerability: PHP unserialize

Hint: Try to remember what does the magic function do.

Link: Challenge 5

Challenge 6

Level: Hard

Vulnerability: PHP serialize

Hint: Try to understand what the code is doing.

Link: Challenge 6

Challenge 7

Level: Hard

Vulnerability: PHP preg_replace()

Hint: Try to understand what the code is doing.

Link: Challenge 7

Challenge 8

Level: Hard

Vulnerability: PHP serialization

Hint: Try to understand what the code is doing.

Hint: What is the cookie doing?.

Link: Challenge 8