Link: Html Source Code Challenge
You'll find stuff in french, feel free to use the translator.
Link: Weak Password Challenge
Link: Javascript - Source Challenge
Link: Javascript - Authentication 1 Challenge
Tip: Understand what's happening!
Link: Javascript - Authentication 2 Challenge
Tip: Understand what's happening!
Link: Javascript - Obfuscation 1 Challenge
Tip: URL encode: URL decode
Link: HTML - disabled buttons Challenge
Link: Javascript - Native code Challenge
In this challenge I want you to notice how weird the code is, is not human readable in this case you can use a JavaScript Deobfuscator and Unpacker like this one d4js and try the different ways to Deobfuscate the code and you'll get the password. You will commonly find weird JS code, but you have the d4js tool.
Ignore the script tags, only copy the code.
Link: Arithmetic Operators Challenge
You will find this challenge in the picoctf 2018 page.
Link: PicoCTF 2018
Link: PicoCTF 2018
You'll find this challenge in PicoCTF 2019
Link: PicoCTF 2019
Link: PicoCTF 2018
See the difference between the buttons, what are they doing?, What are they sending?, How are they sending?... What curl you do?
Link: PicoCTF 2019
Are you the admin?
Link: HTTP - Cookies
Are you a visitor or an admin?
Link: Loops challenge
Link: If-Else Challenge
That's it!, nice job. There are lots of challenges that you can try, but for now will be enough, there are still many things to do.