Week 2 - What I learned


This week we are going to learn and try to understand that a programming language is just a tool and that having the right way of approaching it we can learn it quickly. Also, we are going to see how software engineering is about people and not computers and we have to worry about people and communication more than improving tools.


Google I/O 2009 - The Myth of the Genius Programmer

Things to note:

It's very interesting how these two guys are talking about software and they are focusing more on people than technical issues. I just noticed that they're talking about how to get better and what is true and false about genius, but from their corporate environment. I just want to point out that, well the advices are interesting, but let's just be careful because sometimes we are not in the same environment, but yeah... I liked most of them.

What I take from this video is that is rare to find a genius. Genius exists, but don't always succeed. You need to learn how to collaborate and work in a team, they can help you a lot. We also need to learn how to receive criticism without taking it personally, it's really important to separate your friendship from work. We are small fishes and we need that to keep learning. Practice and fail, fail fast, learn fast, do a postmortem, write down everything you learned and keep going, don't fail again, you are in a team... so you didn't fail alone, look for help and keep going.

#perfmatters (Performance Matters)

Things to note:

I do not know that there had been so many performance problems with cell phones. He's mainly talking about phones, but I think the main topic or thing that he's to transmit is that there is no excuse to not be responsible for the performance of our application. He's telling us that we have the tools and methodology to fix performance issues and a very good example of how to use them. That's what I learned from here, there are a bunch of tools to measure and not only performance but other quality attributes. Let's get that and understand that is part of our job.

Google I/O 2012 - The Art of Organizational Manipulation

Things to note:

This presentation is separated into 3 parts so the first one is the ideal company and they talk about managers and I liked what they say. First of all, I like the way they question managers' roles, is like how a manager should be and what they're doing. I also think that if someone is a manager, he should have a different way of thinking and acting, to a certain extent have mental health that allows him to behave well first with himself and then with others. He also mentions those people who do many things to become managers, but that does not mean they can. Some people go up a step and they fall.

Yeah, we know that corporations are evil and all that stuff right, but I noticed that these guys are telling you that change can be made and starts with you. I liked the way they said it, I mean is not only to change but how... and these guys talk about things we can do. I liked that and yeah is true, sometimes we want to change things around us and we don't do a thing, we can start changing and inviting other guys to change too. We can do a lot of things, but it's about really doing it and if something goes wrong, then learn and keep going. Finally, if it's not working, then you are in the wrong place, don't be a victim, keep going.

Just make sure where you do this and how you do it. Maybe you are not in the right place or time.

Google I/O 2011: Programming Well with Others: Social Skills for Geeks

Things to note:

This talk is similar to others, but this one is talking about users. Users are also stakeholders of the software industry and they are also part of our environment. That's why we build software. First thing, users could also be distractors, but we shouldn't waste our energy fighting them, because we aren't going to win, and sometimes they're just some trolls. Let's be nice with them and have them close because they are also guides for us.

Another thing that was mentioned in the presentation and I agree with this! It's to talk to non-technies is really important. It's important because you will able to get some clues and ease your work if you make your client, or whatever person that you're helping, tell you more about their problem or need this will ease a lot of the job of understanding. In my opinion, we are the technical people if we can't conceptualize something hard into something easy that means that we aren't understanding at all.

The Best Programming Language

Things to note:

Like this guy said, and I agree, language and frameworks are just tools. Depending on our needs, we need to choose a tool, we can't use the language we know for everything, because maybe that tool wasn't built for that purpose. We need to understand what we need and based on the criteria that we saw in the talk. The two main things here are that there isn't the best language and using a language just because you know it, could not the best choice. Sometimes we just need to dare to try new things and get out of the things we know. Maybe trying to learn a new language and using it, could ease our work or task.

Developing Expertise: Herding Racehorses, Racing Sheep

Things to note:

First of all, I noticed that this is a problem that has existed for a long time and there is still no solution, but the good thing is that experts have started talking about it. The first thing that they say is that building software is about people and that if we keep putting bugs in our code it's because of people and not tools. They are going to the source of the problem, in my opinion, this a good approach to solve the problem and I'm also happy that they recognize that we are different from computers and we need to be treated differently.

That's the main thing that I take with me, we can't be treated the same way. We have different knowledge, experience, and needs. I like the way he is trying to say that you don't have to lock someone up in their role, let them be free they are going to do things a different way and it's not bad it's just different. Finally, I loved the invitation he makes to determine how we see things, maybe you aren't doing the right questions and to approach the problem differently. Understand your team, what they're doing and what they need.

Perfection Is An Unrealistic Goal

Things to note:

Yes!, what Linda said, in my opinion, is completely true, we are trying to do things, and sometimes we don't even know what we have to do. We lose things, we forget things and that's why the things we do can't be perfect. To state this, first, we need to understand some basic functions that our brain does, and we need to adapt to how it works, the brain is not going to change, it's hard-wired. Continuous work is not doing something productive. Take breaks, and to take breaks is letting the unconscious work. Work different.

The Power of an Agile Mindset

Things to note:

It's true... we encounter people that don't want to do a thing!. I mean they just do the basic and they think they deserve everything, and the truth is that nothing is free, everything costs. If you want to learn, achieve something or do something, it's going to take time and effort! You can find people quitting things because "they aren't good enough" and they have only been doing that a couple of months. That's what I liked about the talk, the message that is giving. Again, we have to change our minds and how we see things. I believe that everything requires effort and with only intelligence, you're not going to what you want.

Who do you Trust?

Things to note:

A very hard topic to talk about, but yes we all do that, when we meet someone we always judge them, and is something natural, is not going to stop. We can do some things like being aware, which is the main topic. Yes, you are going to pre-judge, but try not to label, try to take those things apart. Also, we need to understand that we can't do things by ourselves, so we need to cooperate and maybe is not for a common goal. The last thing, as we need to trust others, we need to be trusted and trust is not a gift, we need to win it in some way, so just to be aware of that.

Everything is a remix.

Things to note:

I think that the main message that we need to understand is that we don't have a real reason to not share our ideas and our knowledge. Like the video showed the best ideas in the world came from other ideas and influences. Another thing that I take with me is that copying is not that bad, we can start doing things copying others and trying to be others, but later on we need our style and that is when the fun begins.

Compressor series (3 videos. )

Things to note:

Sorry, I think it's a lot of information for those "short" videos, I didn't understand them very well the part 3. Also, he's going too fast. Anyway, in software engineering, there's also this kind of area that worries about data compression or structures and datastreams performance, and is very interesting how algorithms evolve and how they change. Another thing is that things are done differently now we don't have to wait for big scientists to create new algorithms, we can do it or in the future, the IA is going to be in charge. Another thing is that we as software builders, we need to know how to use these tools to create better software.


Collaboration, Bonobos and The Brain

I didn't know that we were like bonobos and that bonobos were so different from chimpanzees.


It was a really fun interview, but interesting. Linda says that it is important to understand the brain and how it works. Because this will enable better performance in software building. Now, Linda is saying that we make decisions unconsciously and that we need the two parts to make decisions the conscious takes the data and constraints that we have and the unconscious takes that data and comes up with solutions. And yes, I think this a great part and we need to take advantage of this and maybe we are already doing it!. Let's sleep well.

Now... in a part of the interview, they started to talk about chimpanzees and bonobos. This has to do with the brain and the evolution and biological roots, we are wired to work with a small group of people because we used to that in caves. This is related to pair and agile programming. In this programming methodology, we can create ways or "rituals" to communicate, work or solve a problem. What I can see here is that we are prepared or "wired" to work as agile methodologies and not to work in large teams without any communication.

Now, I also liked the comparison of how we work and that we are so far to live together like chimpanzees. By evolution and biological roots, we are not like that, and the way we work to build software has to change.

Technical, practice, or coding activities.

Missing semester: Shell tools and scripting

In this section, we review some things regarding bash and scripting. In going to paste my notes here. If I need it I can come back here.

Shell Tools and Scripting

shell1 shell2 shell3 shell4 shell5 shell6 shell7 shell8

Queues and Stacks

In this section, we reviewed some things regarding Queues and Stacks. I'm going to paste my notes here. If I need it I can come back here. I solved the problem (Code in onedrive).


Google code jam

This week we had to solve a competitive programming problem in different languages. I had to code it using Haskell. I've to say that is not an easy task. In my opinion, is easy to solve a problem have pseudocode and write the coding language that you need. This time was different, Haskell is a functional programming paradigm language so everything works differently. You have to think differently, I mean if you want to modify data you can't do it that well, there are some restrictions, you can only do this through functions and more restrictions. No traditional loops. No assignments or sums, etc. I know that languages are just a tool, but a paradigm is a whole new thinking process and a whole new programming process. That was the harder part using Haskell and I didn't have a lot of time. I got to a solution... it's not passing all the test cases but the firsts ones are passing.

Anyway, I had a bad time trying to solve it, but I used some of my new knowledge. I didn't search for everything or see a course, because I don't have time enough, but instead, I tried to master everything fast. I searched for everything I may need and learned all those things and put it into my code. So, I jumped a lot of things that right now are not essential, and manage to finish it that way. What it's more interesting about doing this is that you get something new, like functional programming and you realize that you have to do things differently, and you start from 0, you just keep going forward trying to learn new things and you get to the point where you have enough information to give a possible solution with the resources you have. This had to be and it was so agile, using the previous knowledge about learning fast is how I tried to get out of this. Sometimes the only resource you have is the ability to learn new things.

To finish this section, I got to a point where I got stuck because I couldn't get the idea of doing a function to do things that it could be done with a simple loop. My mentors gave me a new perspective by asking me a question: What is the main purpose of coding in a functional paradigm? When I searched for information about that, my way of structuring the code changed and that's how I changed my perspective and opened my mind to something new and finally, I could get to something. Sometimes is just a perspective issue, you have to see things differently and try to understand the source of that issue. These were my main lessons from this exercise.


A lot of things to note and learned this week. Things that I take with me!. We all need from others, that's why work in teams, we are not geniuses and we can't solve and know everything by ourselves. Working in a team also means that we are open to receive feedback and change the way we think and also learn from everyone. To make this work we need a lot of communication. Also, we need to understand that these teams of people are what builds software, not companies or computers. People are humans and have their problems, knowledge, and needs so this is what managers and companies need to understand and are starting to change. If we aren't feeling good, our needs aren't satisfied or we have bad communication then we can't work properly. Finally, there a lot of things that we can do to change things and to improve the environment, don't be a victim, try to change. Software is about people.

Finally, let's talk about languages and programming. Languages are tools and it has to be treated like that, you just use the tool depending on the problem. We can learn new things and fast but we just need to know what we need to learn. We are the builders and what builds software is ous not the language or the framework, so let's improve the way we learn and other soft skills and trying to understand the usage of new things and your perspective of things can help you a lot to learn or master new things.